Chapter 88 Monster

Chapter 88


“The casualty and battle reports are in Lord Furonius. They are much better than expected. Your brothers quick thinking when he killed Azak Visiok certainly kept the fighting to a minimum.” The officer said.

Furonius still had not had the position of leadership passed to him so for the time being he had taken it upon himself to review the aftermath of the battle.

“The Reptus Jedi, Kang, has asked me to give him any details we may have regarding the whereabouts of any of the Rebel troops that we may have come across.” Furonius said as he sat down behind his desk.

The young officer filed through his data pad quickly. “It seems that as of now the only information we have is about the cat girl Pep Pudin sir.” The officer began.

“Do not refer to her as a “Cat Girl Captain. She is a free person and almost single handedly defended the Palace. She will be addressed as a free person should be.” Furonius snapped.

“Forgive me sir…as I was saying the…uh Pep Pudin seems to have been taken by an Imperial bounty hunter, identity unknown but oddly enough she seems to have been a pink head Feloid.” He said looking up from his data pad to see if there was a reaction from Furonius.

At the mention of a pink head cat girl Furonius suddenly thought of his sisters slave Timtam. He had never been able to make amends for his attack on her. He lived with the regret to this day and it was a continual wound to his honor that he had no way of erasing the deed short of her forgiveness.

Furonius suddenly leaned forward. “The girl, the pink head that was my late sisters slave, Timtam. Do we know where she is?” Furonius asked intently.

The officer filed down the report until he found the information.

“Ah yes. The governor of Geirgor, Brumbarus, asked about her whereabouts as well. It seems Timtam and a human companion left Geirgor just before hostilities ensued. They never reached Ty Prime.

In addition a Visiok fleet reported an attack and subsequent damaging of a ship that matches the one Timtam was traveling in. There is no further information at this point my lord.” The Captain replied.

“Send the Long Claw Fleet to that sector at once. I want that girl found and brought home at all costs.” Furonius demanded.

“At once my lord but it seems an awful large expense just for one Pink Head.” The Captain asked cautiously.

“It’s a matter of honor Captain. A while back I did this woman a terrible indignity that even my own sister found hard to forgive. I must earn her absolution if I can or at least have her remains brought back to her home world and buried with honor. This disgrace has hung heavily over me and I want it removed.” Furonius said as if to himself.

“Very well sir, it will be taken care of.” The Captain said.

“The rest of the Rebel leaders are scattered about with their usual lack of focus. The Rebels known as Matt Mazin, and Bronski have taken a Rebel scout ship and have gone to look for Pep Pudin. The Jedi known simply as Mykala left some time ago with the Jedi of questionable reliability, Stella Star, and have not been heard from since their departure.

The only remaining Jedi leadership of any reliability is the Reptus Kang and the surgeon known as Thorim. The assassin Baltis has just arrived at their base of operations. All three are at the secret base making plans for their next move.” The Captain said finishing his report.

“There seems to be something else on your mind Captain, what is it? You may speak freely.” Furonius asked.

“It seems this might be a good time to reevaluate our commitment to the Jedi my Lord. They have brought nothing but trouble to our people since their arrival. Maybe our commitment would be better served by hiding them and no longer aiding them militarily.” The Captain replied.

Furonius sighed and looked down. “I have had these very same thoughts myself Captain. What have we gained by aiding these Jedi?

Furonius looked up. “I’ve realized in my short life that we are all responsible for our own actions Captain. The Emperor caused all of our suffering not the Jedi. The Jedi have always been peacekeepers. The Emperor is an agent of chaos and evil. He attacks us in hopes of driving a wedge between the Jedi and us. It is the Emperor and his minions that we need to reevaluate and not the Jedi. Our commitment to the Jedi stands.” Furonius said leaning back.

Lionette released the knot on the cord tied around her arm. She looked at Lennut apprehensively. This was the first dose of the antidote for the Mothers Milk she had been given and already she could feel its effects. There was a slight sensation of pain all over her body. It wasn’t that intense but more like a lack of numbness that she felt.

“Do you feel anything?” Lennut asked.

“Yes…I can feel it already. It hurts a little.” Lionette said smiling. She was starting to let herself believe this plan might work.

“That should pass quickly. What you’re feeling is the nerves waking up again. It’s similar to when you run warm water over your hands after being in the cold weather.” Lennut said rubbing Lionette’s hands to quicken the process.

Lionette began to feel a sense of hope inside her. She had a chance to survive this dilemma she had found herself in.

“How long until I’m back to normal?” Lionette asked.

“If this batch works like it should you might be immune to the Mothers Milk in just a few days.” Lennut answered as she checked Lionette’s pulse.

“When is the next ship due to arrive?” Lionette asked Sister.

“My brother hasn’t mentioned anything to me as of yet, he rarely does. I will have to be careful about finding out about the next ship. If I ask about it he may begin to suspect something.” Sister replied in her typical angelic voice.

“We’ll need some weapons as well. All it will take is one or two of those beast men guarding the way out to destroy everything we’ve planned.” Lionette said.

“What did you have in mind?” Lennut asked. She was curious to hear what kind of primitive weapon would bring down one of those brutes quickly.

“ If I can get this drug out of my system then there will be no one that will be able to stop me from leaving this Hell.” Lionette said as she rubbed the injection spot.

Timtam slowly squeezed further back into the corner. Whatever was making the noise outside was getting closer. She could hear metal scrapping against metal as the thing drew closer.

“Hello? Is there anyone inside?” the thing spoke. Timtam recognized it immediately as the voice of a droid. It had a friendly melodious tone like the service droids in the Palace.

Timtam breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m in here. You scared me too death.” She laughed to herself.

“I’m dreadfully sorry mistress. It’s just that I must hurry. My chassis is shielded from the ion cannon’s discharge but I desperately need to charge my batteries.” The droid explained.

“A droid could come in handy here.” She thought too herself. She had to be careful though. She had too make sure the remaining power reserves didn’t get used up before she could get the droid back to the pod.

Timtam crawled out of the room and found the droid in the hallway. It was a Feloid built droid. Its covering was made of a tough plastic like resin as opposed to the metal bodies of human droids. It was also painted in wild and garish colors most likely by one of the bored crewmen that were now deceased.

“What’s your name?” Timtam asked.

“My name is Four Nine Ay Ess mistress.” (4-9-AS)

“You may call me Mistress for now. Your crew is dead and I need your help 4-9. I want you too come back with me across the valley so I can charge your batteries. Do you think you have enough power for the journey?” she asked.

“I believe I can mistress. I’ve had my power set to the lowest setting in hopes that someone would show up.” The droid said.

“Where are the medical supplies kept 4-9? I really need to find some pain killers for my husband.” Timtam said.

“Oh, are you married?” the droid asked.

Timtam smiled. This was the first time she had been able to tell anyone about it.

“Yes, we’re newlyweds. We just got married before we crashed here.” She said.

“Congratulations mistress. Where is your husband now?” 4-9 asked.

“Oh, he’s across the valley…” Timtam suddenly realized that she needed to get the job done and stop wasting time jabbering with a droid.

“Never mind that now 4-9, where are the medical supplies?” she asked again.

“Forgive me mistress, they are four rooms down in the ship’s sickbay.” The droid responded.

“Wait outside for me 4-9, I’ll be there in a minute.” Timtam said.

4-9 turned and made its way too the gaping hole in the side of the ship and stepped out into the jungle to wait.

Timtam made her way down the hallway to the fourth door and wound up having to push it open. She made her way inside and was surprised to see it full of boxes and other containers. The pirates must have made a big score of medical supplies before they ran into the Visiok invasion fleet. After a quick search she found a box full of first aid kits. She grabbed one and looked inside for some painkillers. The kit had several syringe type doses like she had seen the Rebels using before. Knowing that she could only carry back a small amount of items this trip she decided to take the painkillers from a few of the kits as well as two full kits. She figured that Kero would need the painkillers more than anything else by now.

Timtam climbed back out of the ship and met up with 4-9 A S just outside the opening.

“Okay 4-9 I guess we can start back now.” She said.

“Would you like me to carry your backpack for you?” asked the droid.

“No, I want you to conserve your batteries until we can get back. Once we get there I can recharge them and then we’ll come back for more stuff tomorrow.” Timtam said.

“Very well mistress.” 4-9 said.

The walk back seemed easier this time even though she was carrying a full load on her back. The whirs and clicks that 4-9 made seemed to scare off the wildlife in the area making the journey far less worrisome.

It was nearly nightfall when Timtam arrived back at the pod. Hudd was still sitting outside with his leg propped up to keep the swelling down. Timtam smiled as she noticed he had a backpack full of provisions behind him. Even though he was injured he had planned to come looking for her if she didn’t return.

Hudd smiled as he saw her and the droid emerge from the path.

“Looks like you found a friend.” Hudd said.

“His name is 4-9 A S. He was left all alone up there. I figured he’d come in handy.” She said as she dropped her pack at his feet and knelt down next to it.

“I found you some painkillers. They look like the ones the Rebels use.” She said pulling one out and setting the dosage.

“You’re an amazing woman Timtam Hudd. You walk off into the primal wilderness on a deserted world and come back with the one thing I need more than anything.” He said smiling.

She rolled up his sleeve and stuck the syringe into his arm. After she pulled it out he leaned back and sighed.

“Now get some rest. I’m going to eat something and get some sleep myself. I’ll recharge 4-9’s batteries in the morning with the generator and if there’s time I’ll go for more supplies later.” She said.

Timtam looked over at Hudd. He had fallen fast asleep. The painkiller was powerful and this was probably the first time in two days he was able to sleep at all. Timtam opened a ration pack and ate her dinner. She was sure to share some of it with the little gray animals that had saved them earlier. Tomorrow would be a new day so she grabbed a blanket and snuggled up against Kero in front of the fire and fell asleep next to him.

Matt flew the small scout ship out of the cargo bay of the freighter. Ragg would have to be the one that made sure the Rebels made it too safety.

“What difference would it make if you stayed?” Ragg had asked Matt. It was his way of making sure Matt didn’t feel remorse for leaving them to their fate. The fact remained that what Ragg had said was true. If they were spotted and attacked by the Empire as they were trying to escape there would be nothing Matt or Bronski could do that would stop that from happening.

After a few minutes Bronski stumbled into the cockpit.

“What happened? How’d we wind up here again?” Bronski asked groggily.

“It was your heart again. It crapped out on you in the middle of a fight…nearly got us both killed.” Matt said matter of factly.

Buck sat down in the copilot’s seat and stared at the stars in front of them for a few minutes. “I always thought it would be quick.” He said.

“Thought what would be quick?” Matt asked.

“My death, I thought I’d die in a fight somewhere. I never figured I’d die slowly like this.” Buck said rubbing his chest.

“You’ll be fine. Besides we’re all done fighting remember? Once we find Pep we’re going far away and opening a bar or something, we’re all going die nice and peaceful in bed.” Matt said grinning a little.

“Yeah, I forgot, a nice quiet life from now on. Nothing to do but sit back and get drunk.” Buck said. He still seemed a little confused. This last heart attack seemed worse than the rest.

The two men sat in silence for a while. They where both trying to convince themselves that they would find Pep and rescue her from the Empire. It all sounded so good as they ran the scenario through their minds. Soon they would all be far away and settled on some long forgotten rock. They would all be happy again and put this war behind them. No one would be able to say they hadn’t done their part. They could all rest and let others take a turn at Rebellion for a change.

All at once they heard a sound from the back of the ship. They both looked at other waiting for the other to say what it was. It quickly dawned on them that neither of them knew what caused the sound.

“Who the hell stocked the supplies on this tub?” came a female voice. “I can’t find anything.”

They both looked back through the cockpit doorway and down the corridor. They quickly recognized the woman standing there as Pidge Athonia. She was the woman that had helped them find the vacuum suits for the assault on the freighters engine room.

“If you clowns want my help then you better start learning how to keep your supplies organized. Ah forget it, I’ll organize them myself.” She said as she walked into the cockpit.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Matt asked angrily.

“Relax tough guy, you needed an engineer and I wanted to get off that ship, I got a fear of crowds and cannibalism.” Pidge said as she calmly leaned up against the doorway.

“We have enough problems without baby sitting you.” Matt said.

“Yeah? Well this baby just fixed your hyper drive interface. In other words in another five hours you would have lost control of your ability to stop this bucket of bolts. So sit on that…baby.” Pidge snapped back.

Bronski looked at Matt and laughed.

“Besides, old baldylocks would have missed me too much…a woman can sense these things you know.” She said and gave Bronski a bump on the shoulder with her hip.

“Admit it Matt, she just saved our Asses. That ought to buy her passage.” Bronski said.

“Just because she said it that doesn’t make it true.” Matt still wasn’t convinced.

“Well it’s too late now to do anything about It.” she said to Matt.

“I’ll take the bunk at the end of the hall nearest the engine room. It will be easier to keep an eye on things from back there.” Pidge said to Bronski. “In the mean time I’ll give the engines a good once over to make sure you don’t have any other issues.”

Pidge patted Bronski on the shoulder and gave him a little kiss on the head. She saluted Matt mockingly and headed back towards the engine room.

Bronski rubbed his head where she kissed him and smiled. “Maybe we’ll all die in our beds after all.”

Isseh had Mykala, Pep and Destriss brought to the forward observation deck. They had just dropped out of hyperspace close to the planet where Isseh’s child was being held.

“That’s the planet, that’s where they’re keeping her.” Isseh said to Pep.

“I know.” Pep replied.

“Get closer.” Pep said calmly.

“But what about the patrol ships? If we get any closer they’ll pick us up on their scanners.” Isseh protested.

Pep turned and looked Isseh in the eyes. “I said get closer.”

Isseh suddenly realized what she had done. Pep’s eyes had begun to glow denoting a power she had never seen before. She had opened the magic bottle and now there was no way to close it again.

“Move closer!” Isseh shouted to her crew. She was afraid to look away from Pep and yet all she wanted to do is run. Isseh placed a trembling hand on the railing to steady herself against what she feared was coming next.

“Pep?” Mykala said. She sensed the darkness growing inside her friend and was frightened as well.

Pep ignored her as well as everything else around her. Destriss took a step forward but was pulled back by Mykala, there was nothing left to do but wait and watch, Pep was in control of everything now.

Isseh’s ship moved closer triggering the alarm sensors to sound.

“They’ve spotted us Captain.” One of the crew reported.

Isseh looked at him. “Move closer.” She said trying to appear relaxed.

A message came over the transmitter from an approaching Imperial vessel. “This is the Imperial Frigate Ammaron, stop where you are and…” the transmission ended suddenly. The ship appeared on the view screen. They watched as Pep clenched her fists tightly and bared her teeth like an animal. Her breathing became faster and faster until they saw the Frigate stop dead in its tracks.

Isseh stared in horror as the hull of the frigate began to twist back and forth slowly as if two giant hands were wringing out a dish rag.

There was a sudden flash of light and a shock wave as the frigates engines exploded sending bits and pieces of wreckage into space.

Destriss looked at Mykala for some sense of her reaction. He wanted to see if this was normal to her. He wanted see that this was going to be okay. Mykala’s eyes were wide and full of fear. This was not normal or okay; this was out of her control. She had never seen Pep use this much power.

Isseh’s ship kept moving forward towards the planet. Two small Imperial fighters moved closer to engage them only to crumble in tiny metal balls and bounce off the ship’s hull as they kept moving closer.

“Land the ship inside the prison compound.” Pep ordered.

Isseh nodded too the ship’s pilot confirming the order.

Several defensive missiles were fired at them only to be turned back at their own launching platforms and explode. The Imperial guards at the prison had no way of knowing what was coming next.

Isseh’s ship landed in the courtyard unmolested. Pep grabbed Isseh by the arm tightly. “Take me too your daughter.” Pep said.

Isseh winced in pain from Pep’s grip but dared not complain. They walked down the hall and to the front cargo bay and loading door. The door opened without anyone controlling it. A sudden barrage of blaster fire began to be fired at the two women. Isseh tried to duck for cover but was held fast by Pep. The shots bounced off some invisible shield in front of them that Pep was projecting. Pep calmly walked down the ramp with Isseh in tow. She made a quick gesture with her hand and watched as the Imperial troops were made to shoot each other until they all lay dead and motionless.

Pep continued inside pulling Isseh along with her. Suddenly an Imperial officer sprang from behind a corner and ordered them to stop. Pep glanced at the man and watched emotionlessly as her put his own pistol in his mouth and with eyes full of terror pulled the trigger.

“Where is she?” Pep asked angrily. She was getting tired and needed to end this quickly.

“Down the next hallway.” Isseh answered quickly.

The two women rounded the corner with Pep dispatching any Imperial trooper that stood in their way as if stepping on bugs.

They stood in the hallway and saw it was empty.

“Call her.” Pep snarled.

Without hesitation Isseh shouted her daughters name as loud as she could. “Brina! Brina…it’s your mother! Brina answer me!” Isseh shouted frantically.

They stood silent for a moment.

“Mother? Mother…I’m here!” a voice called back.

One of the doors opened about halfway down the hall and a young girl about fourteen years old stumbled out.

“Come here Brina, hurry, we’re leaving.” Isseh called with her eyes full of tears. She looked at Pep as to say thank you but she saw only rage and anger in Pep’s eyes.

Brina ran to her mother but stopped cold when she saw Pep’s glowing eyes and fearful visage.

“Hurry Brina…it’s alright.” Isseh begged.

Brina ran to her mother’s side but was pulled away by Pep as she grabbed her by the arm as well. Pep turned and pulled the two women along behind her back down the hallway and out into the courtyard. Pep pushed the women forward towards the ship and collapsed on her knees. Blaster bolts erupted around her as she lost control of the shield she had surrounded herself with for protection. A shot hit her in the side causing her to fall sideways onto the ground.

“Go!” Pep shouted too Isseh and her daughter.

Both women ran inside the ship as they were told.

“Where’s Pep?” Mykala asked. She had come down from the upper deck and had been waiting on the ramp. She looked out into the courtyard only to see blaster fire slamming into the ground all around her.

Pep rose up one last time and let out a terrible scream and slammed her hands down on the ground as hard as she could. A colossal shock wave emanated from her palms in all directions fanning out and struck the building full force.

Mykala watched in horror as the entire prison lifted off the ground a few feet and crashed back down collapsing the entire structure into a huge burning pile of rubble and fire.

Pep fell down limp onto the ground as the dust swirled around her obscuring her from Mykala’s view.

Mykala stood frozen at what she had just witnessed. Pep had killed everything inside the prison including the prisoners. She had done it to save herself and her friends.

Mykala made her way down the ramp and into the dust-strewn courtyard. She found Pep lying on the ground lifeless and half covered in dirt and debris. Mykala quickly put Pep up on her shoulders and brought her inside as quickly as she could.

“Let’s get out of here!” Isseh screamed to the pilot.

Mykala ran down the hall too the sickbay and dropped Pep’s body on the table. She began to wash the dirt from Pep’s mouth and frantically start to try to revive her. Pep sputtered and coughed up dust and dirt as she opened her eyes. Mykala looked at Pep’s face and saw her friend was back in control of herself once again.

The ship lurched and twisted as it took off from the planet as fast as it could. There was nothing to do but make a run for it now.

Mykala grabbed Pep and held her tight. “I thought you were dead.” She said relieved.

Pep wiped the rest of the dirt from her face with trembling hands and pushed Mykala back.

It was obvious she remembered everything that had just happened.

Pep looked at Mykala in shock. “I killed them…I killed everyone.” She said staring at Mykala. “What am I?”

Normal 0


Chapter 88


“The casualty and battle reports are in Lord Furonius. They are much better than expected. Your brothers quick thinking when he killed Azak Visiok certainly kept the fighting to a minimum.” The officer said.

Furonius still had not had the position of leadership passed to him so for the time being he had taken it upon himself to review the aftermath of the battle.

“The Reptus Jedi, Kang, has asked me to give him any details we may have regarding the whereabouts of any of the Rebel troops that we may have come across.” Furonius said as he sat down behind his desk.

The young officer filed through his data pad quickly. “It seems that as of now the only information we have is about the cat girl Pep Pudin sir.” The officer began.

“Do not refer to her as a “Cat Girl Captain. She is a free person and almost single handedly defended the Palace. She will be addressed as a free person should be.” Furonius snapped.

“Forgive me sir…as I was saying the…uh Pep Pudin seems to have been taken by an Imperial bounty hunter, identity unknown but oddly enough she seems to have been a pink head Feloid.” He said looking up from his data pad to see if there was a reaction from Furonius.

At the mention of a pink head cat girl Furonius suddenly thought of his sisters slave Timtam. He had never been able to make amends for his attack on her. He lived with the regret to this day and it was a continual wound to his honor that he had no way of erasing the deed short of her forgiveness.

Furonius suddenly leaned forward. “The girl, the pink head that was my late sisters slave, Timtam. Do we know where she is?” Furonius asked intently.

The officer filed down the report until he found the information.

“Ah yes. The governor of Geirgor, Brumbarus, asked about her whereabouts as well. It seems Timtam and a human companion left Geirgor just before hostilities ensued. They never reached Ty Prime.

In addition a Visiok fleet reported an attack and subsequent damaging of a ship that matches the one Timtam was traveling in. There is no further information at this point my lord.” The Captain replied.

“Send the Long Claw Fleet to that sector at once. I want that girl found and brought home at all costs.” Furonius demanded.

“At once my lord but it seems an awful large expense just for one Pink Head.” The Captain asked cautiously.

“It’s a matter of honor Captain. A while back I did this woman a terrible indignity that even my own sister found hard to forgive. I must earn her absolution if I can or at least have her remains brought back to her home world and buried with honor. This disgrace has hung heavily over me and I want it removed.” Furonius said as if to himself.

“Very well sir, it will be taken care of.” The Captain said.

“The rest of the Rebel leaders are scattered about with their usual lack of focus. The Rebels known as Matt Mazin, and Bronski have taken a Rebel scout ship and have gone to look for Pep Pudin. The Jedi known simply as Mykala left some time ago with the Jedi of questionable reliability, Stella Star, and have not been heard from since their departure.

The only remaining Jedi leadership of any reliability is the Reptus Kang and the surgeon known as Thorim. The assassin Baltis has just arrived at their base of operations. All three are at the secret base making plans for their next move.” The Captain said finishing his report.

“There seems to be something else on your mind Captain, what is it? You may speak freely.” Furonius asked.

“It seems this might be a good time to reevaluate our commitment to the Jedi my Lord. They have brought nothing but trouble to our people since their arrival. Maybe our commitment would be better served by hiding them and no longer aiding them militarily.” The Captain replied.

Furonius sighed and looked down. “I have had these very same thoughts myself Captain. What have we gained by aiding these Jedi?

Furonius looked up. “I’ve realized in my short life that we are all responsible for our own actions Captain. The Emperor caused all of our suffering not the Jedi. The Jedi have always been peacekeepers. The Emperor is an agent of chaos and evil. He attacks us in hopes of driving a wedge between the Jedi and us. It is the Emperor and his minions that we need to reevaluate and not the Jedi. Our commitment to the Jedi stands.” Furonius said leaning back.

Lionette released the knot on the cord tied around her arm. She looked at Lennut apprehensively. This was the first dose of the antidote for the Mothers Milk she had been given and already she could feel its effects. There was a slight sensation of pain all over her body. It wasn’t that intense but more like a lack of numbness that she felt.

“Do you feel anything?” Lennut asked.

“Yes…I can feel it already. It hurts a little.” Lionette said smiling. She was starting to let herself believe this plan might work.

“That should pass quickly. What you’re feeling is the nerves waking up again. It’s similar to when you run warm water over your hands after being in the cold weather.” Lennut said rubbing Lionette’s hands to quicken the process.

Lionette began to feel a sense of hope inside her. She had a chance to survive this dilemma she had found herself in.

“How long until I’m back to normal?” Lionette asked.

“If this batch works like it should you might be immune to the Mothers Milk in just a few days.” Lennut answered as she checked Lionette’s pulse.

“When is the next ship due to arrive?” Lionette asked Sister.

“My brother hasn’t mentioned anything to me as of yet, he rarely does. I will have to be careful about finding out about the next ship. If I ask about it he may begin to suspect something.” Sister replied in her typical angelic voice.

“We’ll need some weapons as well. All it will take is one or two of those beast men guarding the way out to destroy everything we’ve planned.” Lionette said.

“What did you have in mind?” Lennut asked. She was curious to hear what kind of primitive weapon would bring down one of those brutes quickly.

“ If I can get this drug out of my system then there will be no one that will be able to stop me from leaving this Hell.” Lionette said as she rubbed the injection spot.

Timtam slowly squeezed further back into the corner. Whatever was making the noise outside was getting closer. She could hear metal scrapping against metal as the thing drew closer.

“Hello? Is there anyone inside?” the thing spoke. Timtam recognized it immediately as the voice of a droid. It had a friendly melodious tone like the service droids in the Palace.

Timtam breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m in here. You scared me too death.” She laughed to herself.

“I’m dreadfully sorry mistress. It’s just that I must hurry. My chassis is shielded from the ion cannon’s discharge but I desperately need to charge my batteries.” The droid explained.

“A droid could come in handy here.” She thought too herself. She had to be careful though. She had too make sure the remaining power reserves didn’t get used up before she could get the droid back to the pod.

Timtam crawled out of the room and found the droid in the hallway. It was a Feloid built droid. Its covering was made of a tough plastic like resin as opposed to the metal bodies of human droids. It was also painted in wild and garish colors most likely by one of the bored crewmen that were now deceased.

“What’s your name?” Timtam asked.

“My name is Four Nine Ay Ess mistress.” (4-9-AS)

“You may call me Mistress for now. Your crew is dead and I need your help 4-9. I want you too come back with me across the valley so I can charge your batteries. Do you think you have enough power for the journey?” she asked.

“I believe I can mistress. I’ve had my power set to the lowest setting in hopes that someone would show up.” The droid said.

“Where are the medical supplies kept 4-9? I really need to find some pain killers for my husband.” Timtam said.

“Oh, are you married?” the droid asked.

Timtam smiled. This was the first time she had been able to tell anyone about it.

“Yes, we’re newlyweds. We just got married before we crashed here.” She said.

“Congratulations mistress. Where is your husband now?” 4-9 asked.

“Oh, he’s across the valley…” Timtam suddenly realized that she needed to get the job done and stop wasting time jabbering with a droid.

“Never mind that now 4-9, where are the medical supplies?” she asked again.

“Forgive me mistress, they are four rooms down in the ship’s sickbay.” The droid responded.

“Wait outside for me 4-9, I’ll be there in a minute.” Timtam said.

4-9 turned and made its way too the gaping hole in the side of the ship and stepped out into the jungle to wait.

Timtam made her way down the hallway to the fourth door and wound up having to push it open. She made her way inside and was surprised to see it full of boxes and other containers. The pirates must have made a big score of medical supplies before they ran into the Visiok invasion fleet. After a quick search she found a box full of first aid kits. She grabbed one and looked inside for some painkillers. The kit had several syringe type doses like she had seen the Rebels using before. Knowing that she could only carry back a small amount of items this trip she decided to take the painkillers from a few of the kits as well as two full kits. She figured that Kero would need the painkillers more than anything else by now.

Timtam climbed back out of the ship and met up with 4-9 A S just outside the opening.

“Okay 4-9 I guess we can start back now.” She said.

“Would you like me to carry your backpack for you?” asked the droid.

“No, I want you to conserve your batteries until we can get back. Once we get there I can recharge them and then we’ll come back for more stuff tomorrow.” Timtam said.

“Very well mistress.” 4-9 said.

The walk back seemed easier this time even though she was carrying a full load on her back. The whirs and clicks that 4-9 made seemed to scare off the wildlife in the area making the journey far less worrisome.

It was nearly nightfall when Timtam arrived back at the pod. Hudd was still sitting outside with his leg propped up to keep the swelling down. Timtam smiled as she noticed he had a backpack full of provisions behind him. Even though he was injured he had planned to come looking for her if she didn’t return.

Hudd smiled as he saw her and the droid emerge from the path.

“Looks like you found a friend.” Hudd said.

“His name is 4-9 A S. He was left all alone up there. I figured he’d come in handy.” She said as she dropped her pack at his feet and knelt down next to it.

“I found you some painkillers. They look like the ones the Rebels use.” She said pulling one out and setting the dosage.

“You’re an amazing woman Timtam Hudd. You walk off into the primal wilderness on a deserted world and come back with the one thing I need more than anything.” He said smiling.

She rolled up his sleeve and stuck the syringe into his arm. After she pulled it out he leaned back and sighed.

“Now get some rest. I’m going to eat something and get some sleep myself. I’ll recharge 4-9’s batteries in the morning with the generator and if there’s time I’ll go for more supplies later.” She said.

Timtam looked over at Hudd. He had fallen fast asleep. The painkiller was powerful and this was probably the first time in two days he was able to sleep at all. Timtam opened a ration pack and ate her dinner. She was sure to share some of it with the little gray animals that had saved them earlier. Tomorrow would be a new day so she grabbed a blanket and snuggled up against Kero in front of the fire and fell asleep next to him.

Matt flew the small scout ship out of the cargo bay of the freighter. Ragg would have to be the one that made sure the Rebels made it too safety.

“What difference would it make if you stayed?” Ragg had asked Matt. It was his way of making sure Matt didn’t feel remorse for leaving them to their fate. The fact remained that what Ragg had said was true. If they were spotted and attacked by the Empire as they were trying to escape there would be nothing Matt or Bronski could do that would stop that from happening.

After a few minutes Bronski stumbled into the cockpit.

“What happened? How’d we wind up here again?” Bronski asked groggily.

“It was your heart again. It crapped out on you in the middle of a fight…nearly got us both killed.” Matt said matter of factly.

Buck sat down in the copilot’s seat and stared at the stars in front of them for a few minutes. “I always thought it would be quick.” He said.

“Thought what would be quick?” Matt asked.

“My death, I thought I’d die in a fight somewhere. I never figured I’d die slowly like this.” Buck said rubbing his chest.

“You’ll be fine. Besides we’re all done fighting remember? Once we find Pep we’re going far away and opening a bar or something, we’re all going die nice and peaceful in bed.” Matt said grinning a little.

“Yeah, I forgot, a nice quiet life from now on. Nothing to do but sit back and get drunk.” Buck said. He still seemed a little confused. This last heart attack seemed worse than the rest.

The two men sat in silence for a while. They where both trying to convince themselves that they would find Pep and rescue her from the Empire. It all sounded so good as they ran the scenario through their minds. Soon they would all be far away and settled on some long forgotten rock. They would all be happy again and put this war behind them. No one would be able to say they hadn’t done their part. They could all rest and let others take a turn at Rebellion for a change.

All at once they heard a sound from the back of the ship. They both looked at other waiting for the other to say what it was. It quickly dawned on them that neither of them knew what caused the sound.

“Who the hell stocked the supplies on this tub?” came a female voice. “I can’t find anything.”

They both looked back through the cockpit doorway and down the corridor. They quickly recognized the woman standing there as Pidge Athonia. She was the woman that had helped them find the vacuum suits for the assault on the freighters engine room.

“If you clowns want my help then you better start learning how to keep your supplies organized. Ah forget it, I’ll organize them myself.” She said as she walked into the cockpit.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Matt asked angrily.

“Relax tough guy, you needed an engineer and I wanted to get off that ship, I got a fear of crowds and cannibalism.” Pidge said as she calmly leaned up against the doorway.

“We have enough problems without baby sitting you.” Matt said.

“Yeah? Well this baby just fixed your hyper drive interface. In other words in another five hours you would have lost control of your ability to stop this bucket of bolts. So sit on that…baby.” Pidge snapped back.

Bronski looked at Matt and laughed.

“Besides, old baldylocks would have missed me too much…a woman can sense these things you know.” She said and gave Bronski a bump on the shoulder with her hip.

“Admit it Matt, she just saved our Asses. That ought to buy her passage.” Bronski said.

“Just because she said it that doesn’t make it true.” Matt still wasn’t convinced.

“Well it’s too late now to do anything about It.” she said to Matt.

“I’ll take the bunk at the end of the hall nearest the engine room. It will be easier to keep an eye on things from back there.” Pidge said to Bronski. “In the mean time I’ll give the engines a good once over to make sure you don’t have any other issues.”

Pidge patted Bronski on the shoulder and gave him a little kiss on the head. She saluted Matt mockingly and headed back towards the engine room.

Bronski rubbed his head where she kissed him and smiled. “Maybe we’ll all die in our beds after all.”

Isseh had Mykala, Pep and Destriss brought to the forward observation deck. They had just dropped out of hyperspace close to the planet where Isseh’s child was being held.

“That’s the planet, that’s where they’re keeping her.” Isseh said to Pep.

“I know.” Pep replied.

“Get closer.” Pep said calmly.

“But what about the patrol ships? If we get any closer they’ll pick us up on their scanners.” Isseh protested.

Pep turned and looked Isseh in the eyes. “I said get closer.”

Isseh suddenly realized what she had done. Pep’s eyes had begun to glow denoting a power she had never seen before. She had opened the magic bottle and now there was no way to close it again.

“Move closer!” Isseh shouted to her crew. She was afraid to look away from Pep and yet all she wanted to do is run. Isseh placed a trembling hand on the railing to steady herself against what she feared was coming next.

“Pep?” Mykala said. She sensed the darkness growing inside her friend and was frightened as well.

Pep ignored her as well as everything else around her. Destriss took a step forward but was pulled back by Mykala, there was nothing left to do but wait and watch, Pep was in control of everything now.

Isseh’s ship moved closer triggering the alarm sensors to sound.

“They’ve spotted us Captain.” One of the crew reported.

Isseh looked at him. “Move closer.” She said trying to appear relaxed.

A message came over the transmitter from an approaching Imperial vessel. “This is the Imperial Frigate Ammaron, stop where you are and…” the transmission ended suddenly. The ship appeared on the view screen. They watched as Pep clenched her fists tightly and bared her teeth like an animal. Her breathing became faster and faster until they saw the Frigate stop dead in its tracks.

Isseh stared in horror as the hull of the frigate began to twist back and forth slowly as if two giant hands were wringing out a dish rag.

There was a sudden flash of light and a shock wave as the frigates engines exploded sending bits and pieces of wreckage into space.

Destriss looked at Mykala for some sense of her reaction. He wanted to see if this was normal to her. He wanted see that this was going to be okay. Mykala’s eyes were wide and full of fear. This was not normal or okay; this was out of her control. She had never seen Pep use this much power.

Isseh’s ship kept moving forward towards the planet. Two small Imperial fighters moved closer to engage them only to crumble in tiny metal balls and bounce off the ship’s hull as they kept moving closer.

“Land the ship inside the prison compound.” Pep ordered.

Isseh nodded too the ship’s pilot confirming the order.

Several defensive missiles were fired at them only to be turned back at their own launching platforms and explode. The Imperial guards at the prison had no way of knowing what was coming next.

Isseh’s ship landed in the courtyard unmolested. Pep grabbed Isseh by the arm tightly. “Take me too your daughter.” Pep said.

Isseh winced in pain from Pep’s grip but dared not complain. They walked down the hall and to the front cargo bay and loading door. The door opened without anyone controlling it. A sudden barrage of blaster fire began to be fired at the two women. Isseh tried to duck for cover but was held fast by Pep. The shots bounced off some invisible shield in front of them that Pep was projecting. Pep calmly walked down the ramp with Isseh in tow. She made a quick gesture with her hand and watched as the Imperial troops were made to shoot each other until they all lay dead and motionless.

Pep continued inside pulling Isseh along with her. Suddenly an Imperial officer sprang from behind a corner and ordered them to stop. Pep glanced at the man and watched emotionlessly as her put his own pistol in his mouth and with eyes full of terror pulled the trigger.

“Where is she?” Pep asked angrily. She was getting tired and needed to end this quickly.

“Down the next hallway.” Isseh answered quickly.

The two women rounded the corner with Pep dispatching any Imperial trooper that stood in their way as if stepping on bugs.

They stood in the hallway and saw it was empty.

“Call her.” Pep snarled.

Without hesitation Isseh shouted her daughters name as loud as she could. “Brina! Brina…it’s your mother! Brina answer me!” Isseh shouted frantically.

They stood silent for a moment.

“Mother? Mother…I’m here!” a voice called back.

One of the doors opened about halfway down the hall and a young girl about fourteen years old stumbled out.

“Come here Brina, hurry, we’re leaving.” Isseh called with her eyes full of tears. She looked at Pep as to say thank you but she saw only rage and anger in Pep’s eyes.

Brina ran to her mother but stopped cold when she saw Pep’s glowing eyes and fearful visage.

“Hurry Brina…it’s alright.” Isseh begged.

Brina ran to her mother’s side but was pulled away by Pep as she grabbed her by the arm as well. Pep turned and pulled the two women along behind her back down the hallway and out into the courtyard. Pep pushed the women forward towards the ship and collapsed on her knees. Blaster bolts erupted around her as she lost control of the shield she had surrounded herself with for protection. A shot hit her in the side causing her to fall sideways onto the ground.

“Go!” Pep shouted too Isseh and her daughter.

Both women ran inside the ship as they were told.

“Where’s Pep?” Mykala asked. She had come down from the upper deck and had been waiting on the ramp. She looked out into the courtyard only to see blaster fire slamming into the ground all around her.

Pep rose up one last time and let out a terrible scream and slammed her hands down on the ground as hard as she could. A colossal shock wave emanated from her palms in all directions fanning out and struck the building full force.

Mykala watched in horror as the entire prison lifted off the ground a few feet and crashed back down collapsing the entire structure into a huge burning pile of rubble and fire.

Pep fell down limp onto the ground as the dust swirled around her obscuring her from Mykala’s view.

Mykala stood frozen at what she had just witnessed. Pep had killed everything inside the prison including the prisoners. She had done it to save herself and her friends.

Mykala made her way down the ramp and into the dust-strewn courtyard. She found Pep lying on the ground lifeless and half covered in dirt and debris. Mykala quickly put Pep up on her shoulders and brought her inside as quickly as she could.

“Let’s get out of here!” Isseh screamed to the pilot.

Mykala ran down the hall too the sickbay and dropped Pep’s body on the table. She began to wash the dirt from Pep’s mouth and frantically start to try to revive her. Pep sputtered and coughed up dust and dirt as she opened her eyes. Mykala looked at Pep’s face and saw her friend was back in control of herself once again.

The ship lurched and twisted as it took off from the planet as fast as it could. There was nothing to do but make a run for it now.

Mykala grabbed Pep and held her tight. “I thought you were dead.” She said relieved.

Pep wiped the rest of the dirt from her face with trembling hands and pushed Mykala back.

It was obvious she remembered everything that had just happened.

Pep looked at Mykala in shock. “I killed them…I killed everyone.” She said staring at Mykala. “What am I?”


If you have enjoyed these stories please check out my first all original book series at The title is Beyond the Crystal Heaven.

Once again thank you for your support.

Last Updated (Tuesday, 10 September 2013 03:01)